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Flexible Options
Get Your Very Own Exercise Plan
Isn't that why you join a gym?
When you join, please don’t expect us to steal your money, give you a pat on the back and say, “Go get ‘em Charlie”. Expect more. Expect a thorough fitness evaluation process, and an opportunity to ask questions and verbalize your goals. As a result, you’ll receive an appropriate nutrition and exercise plan, followed by ample training appointments to get you fully oriented to your routine and the facility in general. At many gyms you’d be lucky to get a brief introduction on how to use the equipment. You’d be left to your own devices to create your own plan. Conceivably you might wander around for a few weeks before you get frustrated and fall off the boat. That doesn’t happen at SH&W. Relax, we’re here to help.

1 Year*
Paid in Full or Monthly
- or $49/month
6 Months
Paid in Full or Monthly
- or $55/month
3 Months
Paid in Full
- No Monthly Option
1 Month
Month to Month
- Month to Month
*$85 Evaluation fee waived for year paid in full. All other first-time members required to pay evaluation fee
1 Year*
Paid in Full or Monthly
- or $92/month
6 Months
Paid in Full or Monthly
- or $102/month
3 Months
Paid in Full
- No Monthly Option
1 Month
Month to Month
- Month to Month
*$85 per person Evaluation fee waived for year paid in full. All other first-time members required to pay evaluation fee.
3 People - 1 Year
Paid in Full only
4 People - 1 Year
Paid in Full only
5 People - 1 Year
Paid in Full only