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A Better Fitness Experience
You've Arrived!
Congratulations. You just landed at a place that could change the trajectory of your health and fitness journey. An organization that breaks the mold of traditional gyms. A community that offers real solutions to your fitness and health goals. A gem that sparkles by providing what other fitness facilities do not – We’re glad you’re here. Read more about us below and reach out with any questions.
We are
We’re all college-degreed professionals, charged with a task – create effective exercise and nutrition programs to improve your function. Whether you’ve got a few pounds to lose, a performance goal, a chronic disease to manage or are just seeking a better fitness experience – We can probably help.

We do
Simply stated, we build better exercise and nutrition programs in an atmosphere that is friendly, professional and clean. Every member gets a plan and is provided with direction to keep on track. Whether you’re interested in a fitness membership, individual training, or just need a spacious, comfortable workout atmosphere, we’ve got you covered.
We do it
Most gyms are a dime a dozen and arguably similar. Saratoga Springs needed a fitness facility that was different, where normal people could get personalized programs in a friendly, spacious atmosphere. We say so long to the stereotypical overcrowded, spandex-clad gyms you might be used to. We’ve created a unique niche in a facility that’s big, but not too big. Some might say it’s just right.

Saratoga Health & Wellness
We're located
Access to Saratoga Health and Wellness is convenient. We’re located on Route 9, directly across the street from the Maple Ave Middle School. And we’ve got tons of parking, so there’s no need to stress out over where to put your vehicle!
We're open
We’re open 7 days a week for your healthy fixes.
Monday-Friday 6 AM – 8 PM
Saturday 7 AM – 3 PM
Sunday 7 AM – 1 PM